The meta tag is more powerful for a website that is in various ways. It is the main part of SEO. We used the meta tag to identify that which type of content we have used for a web page. When the search engine scrolls the web pages It reads the meta tag and fetches the content related to searched keywords.
Type of meta tags are-
1. Meta description
2. Meta Keywords
3. Meta ViewPort
4. Meta refresh
Inside the meta description, we write the small paragraph to define all over page content.
Meta description contains the small amount of content to represent all contents which type content we have used for our web page.
<meta name="description" content="Define which type of content used on web page">
Note-Description should be 160 to 200 words only .
<meta name="keywords" content=" Keywords goes here ">
Note-Use 10 keywords for whole website pages .
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=" />